The Orthopaedics & Spine Specialist Hospital
1 Stirling Way, Bretton
Peterborough PE3 8YA
General Enquiries
01733 333 156

Going Home


Your nurse will give you information and guidance before discharge. We will make the appropriate out patient follow up arrangements for you before you leave the Hospital and ensure you have our contact number/s. It is advisable to arrange with a relative or friend to take you home after your hospital stay. You will be given a Preliminary Discharge form to hand in to your doctors surgery.

Before you are discharged from hospital, we will ask you to complete a Patient Survey Questionnaire, we are passionate about gathering our patient’s views and feedback as it is vitally important to us that we continue to maintain our high standard of patient care. Your views matter. Upon discharge you will also be given an appointment card confirming the date and time of your follow up consultation where you will  be seen by the Surgeon who carried out your treatment.

Should you have any query after you have returned home, please call us on 01733 333156 for  further advice.

Soon after your discharge a letter will be sent to your General Practitioner with the details of your stay in hospital.